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Big Shed Brewing Concern FrankenBROWN American Brown Ale

Today, Man About Adelaide's very own, The Official Cocktail Blogger reviews Big Shed Brewing Concerns FrankenBROWN American Brown Ale

Where does it originate from?

Craig and Jason started out Brewing in 2002 in the Barossa in a big shed and fell in love with the craft.

They then decided to try and make this a full time job they took action and moved to their very own premises in Royal Park, South Australia.

FrankenBROWN is the first beer made and since then they have added a wide variety, including; F-Yeah, Californicator, Golden Stout Time. 

Tasting Notes

FrankenBROWN 5.3% ABV 

Initial taste has a bitterness softened by fruity hop tones and finishes with coffee biscuit joy

What it is best used for or paired with

Price Point

Retail: $85 a carton (24 bottles)

Where to get it from


Distributors: Pretty much all good places stock Big Shed just to name a few NOLA, 2KW, Belair Fine Wines.....Or head to Big Shed Brewery (13/2 Brandwood St, Royal Park) and try a selection of their beers and food.

Big Shed Brewing Concern's range

Overall Opinion and Review

Well most crafts beers are too rich and full of flavour and most people can only stomach a few. This American Brown Ale will surprise you unexpectedly.

With the hint of coffee the beer opens up and I think that’s the secret here it can be suited for either summer or winter because they are easy to drink and being 5.3% you wouldn’t realise it because it’s so smooth.

Another beer to look out for in this range is their Golden Stout Time but stock is limited!

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