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Fox Hat Brewing - Full Mongrel review

SA Fox Hat “Full Mongrel” Limited 

Russian Imperial Stout - 10%


The Style For those not familiar with this style, it was traditionally a dark beer brewed in England with a high alcohol content. This was done to prevent it freezing when transported to the Baltic countries, where it was particularly a favourite in Russia, and even more so in the Imperial Court - hence Russian Imperial Stout.

The Taste Fox Hat have done very well to soften the alcoholic edge a RIS will often have whilst young. Oatmeal has been used to mellow the flavour, but more importantly, give a silky-smooth mouthfeel. Pouring black (obviously) and holding a thick tan head, the nose is dark chocolate, coffee, toast and caramel - all of the great “dark beer” smells. Stylistically low in carbonation, this beer fills the mouth with flavour. Molasses, roasted coffee, liquorice, and a hint of dried fruit and chocolate sweetness. There is a heavy bitterness (it packs 100 IBU’s - absolutely the top of the scale) which tends to sit in the background as the other flavours balance well to take the edge off.

The Rating A beautifully smooth beer. Undeniably heavy to drink, but think of it as a sipper on a cold evening - you’re not smashing 22 of these in the sun at the cricket. I’m yet to experience a better Australian RIS - SA Is very lucky to have it, and it should only get better if stored correctly for a few years.

Where to buy

Limited numbers can be found around town:

Belair Fine Wines

The HWY Bottleshop

Largs Pier Hotel Bottleshop

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