Hit them with the big guns
A few weeks back, I attended a presentation by Jeff Lang from Titomic.

Image: The Australian
This bloke starts his presentation and states that they were redefining 3D printing. As I’m a huge lover of tech, 3D printing has been on my radar for a while, but Jeff introduced us to a tech that I believe, is that one step further.
He explained a process they developed called Kinetic Fusion. The process consists of spraying titanium alloy particles at high speeds bonding the particles together resulting in 3D printing products that are seamless; without welds or weak points.

Image: IPO Society
Jeff compared the benefits of using their Kinetic Fusion process to building a race bicycle frame from carbo fibre. Not just from a structural point of view, but also the time and cost from a build per unit. Based on his information, Titomic is competitive against the current Chinese manufacturing process.
Ok, by this time, Jeff had me scrambling on my phone, flicking through information, looking for their competitors and searching for an existing patent. I couldn’t find anything…. I pushed on, searching for the company on the share market. There it was (TTT.ax), they only just had the IPO (initial public offering) a week earlier.

I tuned back into Jeff at this stage. He had moved onto discussing more examples and some areas they were working on with spacecraft, boats and cars. Jeff mentioned the technology can be used to create car panels that are 30% lighter.
I checked my phone again, I had to check what the shares were currently trading at. The shares were trading at 43 cents, and had just come down from an early spike from over 50 cents. At this time, I was uncertain and kept thinking that if I don’t buy some now I would most likely miss out. I knew I had to dig up more information before making an impulsive purchase.

Image: Marketindex.com.au
Jeff seemed very confident with the direction of his company, hitting us with projections for the 3D printing industry. Stating a forecasted market value of $28.2 bil for 2022, which is more than 4 times the level in 2016 ($16 bil).
Could this be the next best growth sector? I don’t know, but I’m definitely going to be paying attention, moving forward.