Sex, Money and Whipped Cream

Now that I have your attention, I am only going to talk about one of these on a regular basis for our readers. I
think you would all prefer reading about sex and whipped cream… may even start to drift off and imagine
your last experience with this combination.
But enough of that, I’m here to talk about money and finance. As the world of money can be complex at times,
I thought I would start with the basics and increase the level of information over time.
A solid foundation of building wealth starts with a basic understanding of your incomings and outgoings. Every
expense that you incur can be divided into 3 categories; fixed expenses (these are your long term contracts and
expenses that are hard to change without incurring more costs), variable expenses (these can be changed
without incurring an extra cost, but are still necessary expenses) and fun tokens (well we all know how this one