Little Bang Brewing - Icon review
The look and smell reminds us of a Hefeweizen - a light straw colour with slight haze, a fluffy, vigorous white head and a sweet, but distin

Fox Hat Brewing - Full Mongrel review
SA Fox Hat “Full Mongrel” Limited Russian Imperial Stout - 10% The Style For those not familiar with this style, it was traditionally a...

Wine to go with slow cooked beef short ribs
Here is Mark's review on the 2015 Mollydooker Blue Eyed Boy Shiraz 🍾 2015 Mollydooker Blue Eyed Boy Shiraz 🍇 100% Shiraz 🌏 McLaren...

Up and ready for your morning glory?
You may have been down to Victor Harbor and noticed a cool little black caravan sitting on the side of the road, just past the new...

You be the Winemaker!
2008 Sabella Vineyards Reserve Shiraz Review by Mark Curtis I was given this bottle of wine from Michael Petrucci when it was bottled...